What Role is your donor going to play?

What Role is your donor going to play?

In this act we call life everyone has a role to play right? So you might be wondering what Role is your known donor is going to play if you’re using a known donor this question probably crosses your mind a lot. It’s easier if you use a sperm bank since the donor is unknown to you and to the child.

But as kids grow up they are going to ask questions, thats just a fact. So it’s better to be prepared early on with how you and your partner are going to answer these questions. With us it was simple, our donor is one of our best friends so there was no question even before he became our donor he would play the role of “Cool Uncle” “God father” ect…

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Its Insemination Day!!!!

Its Insemination Day!!!!

Sorry I haven’t posted much, I had lots planned then life happened and we put it on the back burner a bit but….

I can finally say that we are Officially trying to conceive! Our donor came over last night and we did the first run of insemination!! It was a bit messy but all in all it went smoothly!! Since we are good friends we just hung out drank a bit then he did his thing into the cup and we then took it into the bedroom and did our thing with the syringe.

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The Science of Ovulation

The Science of Ovulation

What is ovulation you ask? Ovulation is when a mature egg is released to be fertilized to achieve pregnancy. An egg only survives for 12 to 24 hours once it is released. Lucky for us sperm is a little bit more resilient and it can survive for up to 5 days.

Tracking your ovulation is the way to get pregnant quick! There are a lot of apps that help predict when your ovulation will take place but its helps to know the science behind it. I will do another post soon on the different apps I use to help you keep track of everything.

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Our Method – Known donor, At Home, ICI

Our Method – Known donor, At Home, ICI

Me and my wife are using a known donor because it was really important to us that in the future the child/children are able to have contact with their donor, even if they only seem him as the “Uncle” figure, and so we could ask questions about health and family history directly to the source and not via a biography. Our known donor is a good friend of ours so we will be using the ICI method at home. I have typed up a Known Donor Contract to which him, my wife and I will all signed in front of a notary. The Document outlines our full intentions of the process so there is no questioning it later on.

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Introduction to Trying to Conceive

Introduction to Trying to Conceive

Two things to start out with 1. There are a million and a half acronyms when it comes to getting pregnant.. I will do my best to try and spell them out and will post a reference guild later on. 2. TTC is a very broad term, it can cover anyone female, male, gay, straight non binary who is starting the process of getting pregnant, or who’s partner is getting ready to get pregnant. For example a male who is married to a women can say him and his wife are TTC. But also two women can say they are TTC and women A will be the carrier.

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