Its Insemination Day!!!!

Its Insemination Day!!!!

Sorry I haven’t posted much, I had lots planned then life happened and we put it on the back burner a bit but….

I can finally say that we are Officially trying to conceive! Our donor came over last night and we did the first run of insemination!! It was a bit messy but all in all it went smoothly!! Since we are good friends we just hung out drank a bit then he did his thing into the cup and we then took it into the bedroom and did our thing with the syringe.

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Sperm: Where in the world do you get it from?

Sperm: Where in the world do you get it from?

Silly seeing it written out right? But it’s the question on all of our minds right?

Depending on what route you plan to go you have lots of options at your disposal on how to procure sperm. All vary in price, inseminate location, risk factor, legal costs, and so much more.

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