Its Insemination Day!!!!

Its Insemination Day!!!!

Sorry I haven’t posted much, I had lots planned then life happened and we put it on the back burner a bit but….

I can finally say that we are Officially trying to conceive! Our donor came over last night and we did the first run of insemination!! It was a bit messy but all in all it went smoothly!! Since we are good friends we just hung out drank a bit then he did his thing into the cup and we then took it into the bedroom and did our thing with the syringe.

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The Science of Ovulation

The Science of Ovulation

What is ovulation you ask? Ovulation is when a mature egg is released to be fertilized to achieve pregnancy. An egg only survives for 12 to 24 hours once it is released. Lucky for us sperm is a little bit more resilient and it can survive for up to 5 days.

Tracking your ovulation is the way to get pregnant quick! There are a lot of apps that help predict when your ovulation will take place but its helps to know the science behind it. I will do another post soon on the different apps I use to help you keep track of everything.

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