Mary Poppins is my role Model: An update on how things are going since my friend and her one year old moved in.

Mary Poppins is my role Model: An update on how things are going since my friend and her one year old moved in.

Oh wow where has time gone! This post is going to be a bit long but here is an update on what’s been going on at my house.

It’s been about a month since my best friend Tara and her one year old son, Orion, moved back from Texas and in with me and Sami!! This crazy month all stated with my first plane ride down to Texas to help! Then the 21 hour car ride back to PA. Overall I can say it wasn’t bad, Orion was very well behaved in the back seat, his dad made the trip back with us and sat in the back with him which helped a lot. Since Tara was the only one who could drive we ended up stopping for the night Wednesday night. We still made it here early afternoon on Thursday though, this was mostly because Orion woke us up at 2:30am and we decided since we were up we might as well just get on the road. I was also able to add five more states to my states visited which takes me up to seventeen total states, the others are from PA to FL when I went to Disney. Most of my state map is states I’ve just driven through. 

However as much as I thought I was ready for a toddler to take over my life, I am sure tired!! Since Tara works full time at a bank I stay home and watch Orion and keep up on the house. It’s like being a stay at home but the child isn’t yours. It probably falls more into the Nanny category rather than a babysitter, since its an all the time thing and not just on occasion but whatever you wanna call it is fine. We wake up around 7:30-8:00am and don’t nap until noon then bedtime at 7:30pm. It feels like I have so much time after he is in bed or during his two our nap to write or do anything creative. But every time I have sat down to start something I’m just like nah, I’m also going to nap or relax instead. Then I spend the whole two hours laying on the couch sleeping or looking on my phone. Even now its during nap time and I’m feeling like I could curl up and sleep. I’m not sure if its because I have never been good at a sleep schedule so my body still has no idea what I’m doing going to bed at 10:30 and waking up at 7 or what, but I can’t shake my need for an afternoon nap.

I can’t say I have been completely unproductive and just sleep though, I’ve been doing pretty good at prepping dinner so at 5:30 all I have to do is pop it in the oven for us to eat at 6:00. For the first two weeks I was starting to cook at 5:00pm, but around 5:00pm everyday Orion has a melt down for almost the whole hour. Which made it really hard to leave him in the living room and go cook, even with Sami in there with him. After a few days Tara told us her mom would put him in the high chair when she cooked. So we figured that had to be it, he was just off his normal dinner routine! We tried it for a few days and it seemed to help some but then he seemed antsy and didn’t want to sit for the hour of me cooking and then to eat. Or If it wasn’t going to take me long to prep I wouldn’t bother putting him in. Which made him even madder since I was leaning the living room, which is gated off, and going to the kitchen checking dinner and coming back. So to lessen the amount of times I was leaving the living room to make dinner I started prepping it in the morning when he is fine playing by himself or during nap time. Which has really helped me out a lot, not only with the melt downs but overall just knowing its ready to go and all I have to do is put it in the oven. 

Since he has been doing so good in the mornings playing in the living room by himself, and the dog. I’ve started to use this time to clean or get some other things done, like the dishes. Which is something I have always struggled at keeping up with. There would be days when it was just me and Sami and we’d run out of clean plates so I was forced to do them. Since I hate standing there for long periods of time washing multiple loads at a time I have been trying to wash them two or three times a day. I’ll do any leftover dishes from the night before and breakfast dishes in the morning, then I’ll prep dinner and leave the dishes until after lunch and wash all of them. Then after dinner when Orion is getting a bath or playing with Tara I’ll do the dinner dishes. It might seem like I’m doing dishes all day breaking them up with that but I only spend 10-15 mins each session instead of spending a half hour doing one large pile. This has also helped my kitchen anxiety since I hardly ever have to look at a counter over piling with dishes.

Besides the evening melt downs having him here has been such a blast! He’s learning so many things, even in just this one month and being able to watch and help him check off those things is so amazing! The second best thing to come out of it has been able to watch Sami interact with him and how she is willing and ready to help me! This was something I always feared she wouldn’t do when we had our babies, since she is more of a quiet in her own world kind of person. However she has proven me wrong in so many ways and I am beyond grateful for her. Just makes me excited and wanting to have our own babies even more now! So hopefully soon will be our time!

Well thats all for now folks!! Thanks for reading the whole thing and being understanding when I don’t keep up as much as I’d like too.


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